Step 1: Compatibility Test
Find out if your garage door opener is compatible with Nexx Smart Garage.
Step 2: Wi-Fi Setup
Nexx only connects to a 2.4 GHz network. Nexx doesn't connect to 5 GHz networks.
Check our guide here if you are don't know on what frequency your WiFi network work.
Step 3: Install Device
Connect your Nexx Garage device to the terminals at the back of your garage door opener.
Step 4: Wired Sensor Install
Install the wired sensor to the garage door and to the wall or ceiling.
Nexx Adapter
In case your garage door opener is not compatible with Nexx Garage, you can use Nexx Adapter to connect it to the device.
What's in the Box of NXG-100b
What comes in the Nexx Garage NXG-100b box.